Beginners Course - Coming Soon

Welcome to Light Yoga Space Beginners Course. A complete introduction to accessible Classical Hatha Yoga following the Sivananda tradition

This is a recorded course only.

This course will be available FREE as part of your membership

or you can purchase the course on it’s own below.

Advance purchase

Full Course £160

Individual Lessons £20

Lesson 1 - Introductions and Warm Ups

Video 1 - Discussion - how to take this course, making yoga comfortable and accessible for you

Video 2 - Fat friendly body positive yoga

Video 3. Theory - an introduction to Sivananda yoga

Video 4. Tutorial - classical Sivananda sun salutations

Video 5. Tutorial - accessible sun salutation variations

Video 6. Tutorial - more warm up exercises

Video 7. Practice - 45 minute practice full warm up sequence

Lesson 2 - Inversions

Video 1. Discussion - I’m never going upside down! Let’s chat about upside-down-ness and other options

Video 2 -Tutorial - A look at gentle accessible steps to upside-down-ness

Video 3. Tutorial: Classical Inverted poses Headstand, Shoulderstand, Plough and Fish

Video 4. Practice - 1hr class with sun salutations and an inverted sequence

Lesson 3 - Forward Bends

Video 1. Discussion - let’s talk about breathing, relaxing and concentrating whilst you’re holding a pose

Video 2. Tutorial - Classical forward bends

Video 3. Tutorial - More forward bend variations and hip openers

Video 4. Practice - 1hr class with Sun salutations, a gentle inversion and forward bends

Lesson 4 - Backward Bends

Video 1. Discussion - let’s talk about pressure and intensity in your practice V gentleness and restfulness (hint there’s no right way)

Video 2. Tutorial - Classical sequence backward bends, Cobra, Locust and Bow

Video 3. Tutorial - More backward bends, Crescent Moon, Pigeon and Camel

Video 4. Tutorial - More gentle backward bend options, cat & cow and sofa & standing options

Video 5. Practice - 1hr class with sun salutations, inversions, forward bends and backward bends

Lesson 5 - Twisting, Standing and Balancing Poses

Video 1. Discussion - let’s talk about concentration points

Video 2. Theory - TBC

Video 3. Tutorial - Classical sequence spinal twist, standing and balancing poses

Video 4. Tutorial - more twisting, standing and balancing poses

Video 5. Practice - 30 minute class focus on twisting, standing and balancing poses

Video 6. Practice - A 1hr 15 minute class with sun salutations, inversions, forward and backward bends and twisting, standing and balancing poses

Lesson 6 - Breathing

Video 1. Discussion - what if I find relaxing and breathing difficult? Let’s talk about that

Video 2. Tutorial - introductory breathing exercises - abdominal breathing and full yogic breathing

Video 3. Tutorial - an introduction to Anuloma Viloma and Kaphalabhati

Theory - the 8-limbs of yoga

Video 4. Practice - Anuloma Viloma and Kaphalabhati gentle guided practice

Video 5. Practice - Anuloma viloma and Kaphalabhati stronger guided practice

Lesson 7 - Relaxation and Meditation

Video 1 - Theory - an introduction to meditation

Video 2 - Practice - Tratak

Video 3 Practice - guided meditation 10 minutes

video 4 Practice - guided meditation 20 minutes

Video 5 Practice. 30 minute guided relaxation

Lesson 8 - Practice

Video 1. Practice - 1.5hr class full classical sequence with breathing and 12 classical poses

Video 2. Practice - 1hr class with variations

Video 3. Practice -45 minute class with variations

Video 4. Practice -30 minute class with variations

Video 5. Practice -15 minute class with variations

Video 6. Discussion - Where do we go from here? Finished the course now what…