Does your size or how you feel about your body stop you from wanting to try yoga?

Do you say to yourself ‘I’m too fat’ or ‘I’ll go when I’ve lost weight’?

Have you experienced a lot of overwhelming, critical self-talk when you’ve practiced yoga in groups in the past?

Well, here’s the thing. The problem isn’t you!

Anti-fat bias is everywhere. Let’s face it our society is pretty fat-phobic, and many yoga classes can feel that way too. Most yoga teachers haven’t been trained in how to help us make room for our bodies or find the most comfortable way to explore and hold poses. Not only that but when we look at the aesthetics of mainstream yoga we mostly don’t see ourselves and our fat bodies represented.

This can really put us off showing up at all and when we do bravely find our way to a class the last thing we should be confronted with is more fat-phobia. Yoga should always be taught in an accessible, spacious and comfortable way for EVERY BODY in the room, our lovely fat bodies included. The postures, breathing and meditation can be hugely beneficial when taught in an accessible way

Fat folks just like anyone else can be very strong, flexible and fit, and/or can experience reduced mobility for a variety of reasons related or completely unrelated to our fatness.

For all the above reasons, and for feeling alienated myself in mainstream yoga classes despite years of practice and teaching experience, I decided to set up my own fat positive sessions, and have been running them now for about 7 or 8 years. All fat folks whatever your previous experience, are welcome to attend these friendly sessions, and I will work with you to make it work for you.

Our Fat Positive Yoga Classes can help to build strength, flexibility and fitness, as well as confidence, and community! All fat folks whatever your previous experience, are welcome to attend these warm, welcoming and friendly sessions

Meet Janice Kate (they/them) - Your fat positive yoga teacher

Hi I’m Janice Kate (they/them) a body positive, fat friendly yoga teacher 

I have over 30 years of yoga experience in Classical Hatha Yoga in the Sivananda tradition and have been teaching yoga for 20+ years. More recently in my own practice I have been exploring yoga for deep rest and healing, namely restorative and accessible yoga which have had a huge influence on my offerings as well.

Try a FREE recorded taster session below

For unlimited access to about 150 recorded sessions taught by Janice Kate and access to unlimited live online classes try our Fat Positive Membership

Student Testimonials


Enjoy a short animated interview with Janice by Stacy Bias. Check out more of Stacy’s work here